Rebecca Brover

integrative individual & team coach

For Individuals

integrative enneagram coaching

Would you like to examine new truths about yourself? How you naturally show up in conflict, during feedback, under stress, or at your best?

Using the data-driven iEq9 assessment and subsequent coaching, we can explore your lights and shadows, deep strengths and opportunities to integrate your edges into actionable steps to show up exactly as you want to in the world.

habit building/refinement

Do you find yourself repeating patterns that you would like to change?

We can partner to find meaningful pattern adjustments through easy-to-adopt micro-habits designed to provide lasting evolution in all facets of your life.

personal organization

Do you consistently feel overwhelmed in work and life?

So the good news is that you are likely indeed overwhelmed…most people are these days…but there is hope! We can structure a light system that works for you so even if you are overwhelmed, you will not feel as overwhelmed.

communication styling & Word choice

Do you often perceive others are misunderstanding you? Does that lead to pain - either yours or theirs?

By learning some specific techniques, and practicing them together, while you will not be able to control the perception of others (I wish I could offer that), I can help you examine your communication style and broaden your capacity to stay in your own power while opening the door for others to understand you more fully.

For Teams

enneagram team coaching

Harnessing the insights of each of the patterns represented on your team, we can discover possible blind spots, areas for growth, and ultimately, your team’s powerful mechanisms to succeed by cultivating your individual contributions.

Organizational Visioning and Discovery

The process of defining your organization's mission, vision, values and purpose leads to clarity, transparency and accountability. It is essential to secure an experienced facilitator to help guide your organization through the journey.

Sustainable Scaling

Part of good business is sustainability in terms of people, community and our environment. Scaling a small business can dramatically change culture, and when done thoughtfully and consciously, effects it in surprising and wonderful ways.  

Structure Refinement

One size does not fit all in today's complex team-based working world. Your team can learn about distributed authority structures that maximize employee talents and capacities to help your organization serve it’s purpose in the world.

Change Management

Thoughtful intentional change can drive an organization forward toward great success and exquisite organization. I can help you lead your team through the challenge of change to emerge as a stronger and more cohesive unit.